Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things About Moron

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you

1. I was born with twelve toes--six on each foot. They cut two off when I was six days old and now I just have ten.

2. I love vegetables and hate fruit.

3. I am the youngest of seven kids. My brothers and sisters are between 10 and 19 years older than me. I became an aunt when I was 5. When I was 7, my dad got tranferred to NC where I suddenly became an only child.

4. My father served in WWII--landed on Normandy the day after D-Day. He never talked about it.

5. I have been camping in the wilderness with a bear biting my tent.

6. I am extremely overprotective of Xander.

7. When I was 6, one of my friends was abducted and murdered. I expect that is why I'm so overprotective.

8. I am a certified meditation teacher.

9. I practice an Earth-based religion, much like the Native Americans.

10. I believe in hunches, listen to my gut and put a lot of faith in signs. 7 is my most lucky number. I also like 2, 3, 12 and 43.

11. I've been an Architect for almost twenty years.

12. I love playing soccer, but have no cartilage in my right knee, so I can't play very much anymore.

13. My mom died 11 years ago. I still haven't come to grips with her death. My dad died last year. 40 is too young to be without parents.

14. I once put my seatbelt on seconds before a car crash.

15. I crave peace and tranquility. I loathe surprises--even nice ones.

16. When I was little, I had an invisible friend named Margaret. I could hear her voice in my head. Later, I learned that my great-grandmothers name was Margaret.

17. People often think I'm aloof when they first meet me. The truth is I'm just socially backward and self-conscious.

18. One summer, I worked at a laundry where I ran the sheet presser. We pressed sheets from the local hospital which often had huge blood stains on them. There was no air-conditioning and the sheets were so hot when they came off the press, they burned my fingerprints off. My partner was an old black woman named Mae. I couldn't understand anything she said, but she was the sweetest woman I ever met.

19. I can be very, very mean.

20. Like my father, I have no patience for stupidity.

21. The year my my mother was sick, I was followed by owls. I saw them everywhere I went, even during the day. They hooted all night at my house. The week before my mom died, I flew up to stay with her and my Dad. The two nights I was there, an owl hooted right outside my window. Dad said he'd never heard an owl at their house before or after that.

22. My parents lived through the Great Depression. I think it made me very frugal, but also terrified by the idea of not having enough money.

23. I love to travel but the night before I leave, I am always terrified.

24. I have very little self-discipline.

25. Every single day, I am blown away by how much I love my son. If I think about it too much, it leaves me breathless.


Anonymous said...

Are all of those true???? That's amazing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1. I’m getting old and cranky…I don’t know what tagged means.
2. Most people think I’m an optimist…I’m not.
3. I dream, literally, about writing stories.
4. I was a disc Jockey at a small market radio station in college.
5. When I was a little girl in England, we didn’t have indoor toilets. In fact, the only water we had inside was in the kitchen sink.
6. I don’t drink and drive. A friend in high school was killed by a drunk diver.
7. I never give candles as gifts. Two years ago my friend Natalie, died in a house fire. It was caused by a candle falling on her bed.
8. My daughter is the light of my life. I hope that she grows up with self-confidence.
9. My grandparents have always been my favorite relatives.
10. I’m an only child with three half-sisters and two half-brothers.
11. Books were an escape to my reality, when I was growing up.
12. I collect war memorabilia.
13. Every once and a while, I Google my old boyfriends.
14. I use botox on my forehead.
15. I interviewed Terri Utley, a Miss USA in the early 80’s.
16. J.B. Hunt told my husband that he had married above his head!
17. I met Sam and Helen Walton. I worked on the ground breaking committee for the Walton Art’s Center in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
18. I met President Bill Clinton (twice). Sadly, he never hit on me.
19. I’m a pescatarian.
20. National Lampoon Vacation Movies are my favorite! (Yes, the truth is out.)
21. Religion is the only thing my husband and I ever argue about.
22. I’m sentimental…
23. I believe luck comes with hard work.
24. When it comes to working out, I believe no pain no gain…
25. I really get my feelings hurt when my Mum forgets Katherine’s or my birthday.
:) Sapphire

Anonymous said...

Yes--all of those nutty things are true. :) Looking forward to reading everyone else's!

Anonymous said...

I love learning these things! And you are not old OR cranky! You are wonderful. I also have three half sisters and two half brothers (and we established that we both have half sisters w/ the same name). That's too coincidental!

The Wad said...

Hi, Amy-
Thanks for starting the 25 Random Things.
Your story about the owls struck a chord...I've heard other people say that owls have been present when a loved one passes...

Anonymous said...

Owls are the guides through the underworld...or so I've been told. They come to guide the dead and help the living understand. Some cultures think they're an evil omen, a harbinger of death. Many native American tribes revile the owl. Other cultures honor them.

Robin said...

25 Random Things About Robin

1. Robin is not my real name, in case you've forgotten. Although I have answered to worse.

2. I am a realist. Really.

3. I almost always dream in color, and dream almost every night, if I can sleep.

4. I have trouble sleeping.

5. A good day is after a night when I've slept on and off for at least 5 hours.

6. I have a spiral form of scoliosis. From my waist up is twisting one direction, and from my waist down is twisting the other, like wringing out a washcloth.

7. My husband and I married on Leap Day.

8. If we make it to the end of February 2010 (alas there is not another leap year until 2012) my husband and I will have been married 30 years.

9. We picked up a hitchhiker on our wedding night on the way to our honeymoon.

10. It was sleeting. He was an old man in a raggedy coat just standing in the freezing rain by his junker of a car, holding a rusty gas can.

11. It was a long way to the closest gas station. When the old man warmed up in the car, he stank like yesterday's dirty diapers.

12. I graduated from college before most of you were born.

13. I'm suddenly depressed.

14. Over it now.

15. I majored in English and minored in French. I am not fluent in either language.

16. My family and I are Bible-basic Christians.

17. We waited 10 years to have our first child. On purpose.

18. When Nathan was young I told him he had a brother named Fred who lived with his other parents and was nice all the time and never did anything bad.

19. In 2001 we decided, for some still unclear reason, to adopt a daughter. We decided to adopt a 7-year-old girl from Vietnam. We spent 1 1/2 years and thousands of dollars on the adoption. Two weeks before our scheduled travel time, the adoption fell apart.

20. I cried forever.

21. Somehow my husband talked me into trying one more time. This time from China, with a different adoption agency. It took another year and a half and an unspeakable amount of money. We brought Jin Yao home in 2004, when she and Nathan were both twelve.

22. Gary told Jin Yao that tapioca pudding was made from frog eggs. She believed this for 4 years until someone at church told her it was not made from frog eggs.

23. I'm still miffed about that.

24. I have a friend who writes wonderful limericks. She is dying of cancer. It really upsets me.

25. Writing is one of the most annoying, irritating, compulsively necessary, and oddly satisfying things in the world.