Friday, February 27, 2009

Weekly Update

By M.Mo-
I haven't made any new submittals in the past two weeks. I also haven't gotten any new rejections. Still waiting on all the same people. I did write about 800 words in my WIP, and decided I needed to insert a couple new chapters between 7 and 8. I'm kinda burned out, though, and don't have the energy to do it today.
I just served chai tea to 230 kids at Xander's school.
I really want a nap.
Yesterday, my Wii fitness age was 32, which is a great improvement over the days before,where it alternated between 45 and 54.


Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Yikes, tea for 230...There has to be a story in that somewhere!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Just what I need...another idea, which will start another pile of research on my desk...I think I'll just have a cup of tea. :)