Okay, here goes - 25 totally random things:
1. I'm a mother to five. I was petrified at the thought of raising boys, so God gave us two girls first and three boys later. We now are pretty familiar with the emergency room staff.
2. I like places that are quiet and drive with the radio off (my children are perplexed by this)
3. When I was young and I got overwhelmed, I would make my way through the woods, climb over a barbed wire fence and old rock wall, until I finally came to an outcropping of rock that overlooked a sprawling horse farm. No one could see me there. And there I sat and talked my problems out with God. I miss that rock.
4. I was about three when I found my parents' wedding pictures and decided they needed some 'enhancements.' I found a pen and went to work outlining the pictures and filling in the background. For some reason, which I couldn't understand at the time, my mother was quite upset when she discovered what I had done. It didn't seem to deter me, though. There is still a carving in the windowsill (and a dresser drawer, and...) with my name on it. Which leads me to the next point:
5. I was sent to art school and trained as an illustrator.
6. I can ice-skate better backwards than forwards.
7. I am right-handed. But, if I write with my right-hand and left-hand at the same time, my left hand writes a mirror image of whatever my right hand writes. Try it!
8. I miscarried twice - once before Johnny, once after. A strange thing happened the last time. A huge luna moth fixed itself to the siding of the house - right next to the front door. It arrived the day of my miscarriage and stayed there for 3 days.It may sound weird, but its presence gave me a sort of peace...I'm not sure why. Maybe I was struck by its beauty and rarity...they're not often seen in these parts, or I should say, they're not as abundant as say, the monarch butterfly. It was only the second time in my life that I had seen one. The first was probably about a year prior to that, when I saw one on a giant fir tree in front of the church.
9. The luna moth so inspired me, that I started to do research for an article. My Dad had a Nat'l Geographic magazine that highlighted the moths and brought it over for me to review. Actually, he and my mom came over for dinner that night. Niki and Patrick were over, too. It was before they were married. We had a great time together, and Dad was really happy that he found something that helped with my research. It was dark when Mom and Dad got in the car and drove away. I stood on the porch and, as is our family tradition, I waved until I could no longer see the tail lights. But as the car was driving away, my heart started to ache, and somehow I knew that I was waving to my father for the last time. I will never forget that day... It was the last time I saw him. He died days later of a massive heart attack. I miss him tremendously. The week of his funeral, a Christmas catalog from National Geographic arrived. On the cover was a red pointsettia. On the pointsettia was a luna moth...
10. I am sobbing as I write this.
11. I've been married 25 years to my best friend.
12. We spent the day of our 25th anniversary at the Vatican with the Pope...and about a gazillion other people.
13. I'm a "revert" to the Catholic Faith.
14. I have a weakness for museums, illuminated manuscripts, and anything written by J.R.R. Tolkien...and, of course, books in general.
15. My great-grandmother (on my mother's side) escaped Russia before the Revolution. When I was little, I used to pretend that I was asleep in her bed so she wouldn't know I was listening as she whispered her prayers in Russian. I didn't understand the language then, but I loved to listen...Somewhere in those whispers I knew she was praying for me...
16. I went to Russia when it was still under communist rule and had some run-ins with KGB.
17. When I was in 3rd grade, I tried to hide my report card from my parents. The teacher wrote that I was an "asset" to the class. I thought for sure that "asset" was a swear word that meant I was, well,...you know.
18. My great-grandmother (On my father's side) started Harlem. Long story.
19. I witnessed life come into the world when I helped my daughter, Niki, as she gave birth to my beautiful granddaughter, Marie Therese.
20. I witnessed life leave the world...when Lisa lost her battle with leukemia.
21. I yell too much.
22. Get lost too much.
23. Am fiercely loyal...some say stubborn.
24. I once wrecked my father's favorite car. It was winter of my sophomore year of college. I was home on break and making my way back home from a friend's in a late-night snowstorm. It was icy under the snow and the car started to fishtail...and fishtail...and next thing I know, I'm doing 360's downhill...so I did the only sensible thing...I closed my eyes. There was a WHACK and CRUNCH and when I opened my eyes again, I was sitting in the passenger seat covered with glass. My first thought was, "My dad's gonna kill me." Because the car was on its side wedged between a post and steep decline, I had to be pulled out through the passenger door window. When I was out and looked at the car, I realized that that pole saved my life. It was the only thing that stopped the car from flipping down the ravine.
25. While we were building our house, we lived with Bob's parents for awhile. The girls were 4 and 2 then. They slept in a room down the hall from us, but it was a habit that everyone slept with their doors closed. One night I was shaken out of a deep sleep. Something told me that Heather (our 2 year old) was in trouble. I shot straight up and shook Bob. "Heather's choking," I said to him and I ran out of the door and ran to her room. The whole house was silent. There was no sound that indicated someone was in trouble. It wasn't until I got right up next to Heather that I could hear her...she must've thrown up in her sleep and was quietly gagging. I don't remember what I did after that...only that we got her to breathe again. But it made me realize that there really are guardian angels...I know one woke me up that night.
Well, that's it...if there would be a #26, I would add that I often think that what I write or leave on answering machines as a message is stupid and subject to being laughed at...which means that I always have the horrible urge to hit the delete button. If you read this, then you know I resisted. :)
I love you guys! Thanks for being here.