Recently, I heard that the average American woman has 42 pairs of shoes. After an inventory of my shoes I have 41 pairs of shoes, sandals and boots. (I put 4 pair in the charity pile.) Since our move, the closet and shoe storage have been a huge issue for my husband and I. This week (while he was out of town) I fixed the problem. I purchased a 25 pair shoe rack and moved some shelving around to accommodate my boots and few extra pairs of sandals. It appears that I need to go shopping for at least one new pair of shoes, so I'll be average. But who wants to be average...
How many pairs of shoes do you have? Do you need to catch up to become average? Are you above average already?
I used to have about 50 pair of shoes, mostly different sports shoes--hiking boots, indoor cleats, outdoor cleats, tennis shoes, running shoes, waders, etc. I still have a lot--probably about average.
How many does your husband have? I'd say mine has less than 15...
LOL! Just went to my closet and counted. I thought for absolute sure I'd come in WAY UNDER average. After all, we just went through a major cleaning spree and got rid of a lot of stuff...including a box of shoes that we donated to "GoodWill."
1, 2, 3...20 (gulp), 21, 22...and then I spied the boots...26. Average plus 1. How the heck did someone figure out that that's our secret number? And do we have some sort of alarm that goes off somewhere inside of us when we cross the threshold? Hmmmmm....This is very funny. :)
Good one, Sharon!
If I have tons of old shoes that should be thrown out, but haven't been -- and if those shoes put me up in the 40ish range....
does that make me above average
in need of clutter therapy?
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