I love adventures, well safe adventures. The most thrilling thing I've ever done was to fly in a helicopter without my husband's hand to hold on to. I thought I was going to be sick when I was waiting alone at the airport. I was pretty sure I was going to be sick as I walked out to the launch pad. I was turning green as I climbed into my seat in the helicopter. Then a kind gentleman sitting beside the pilot turned around. He said, "Don't worry he won't crash with me on board. I'm his Dad." The color began to return to my face as we took off. It was the most exciting thing I've ever done, as we flew over and in the Grand Canyon I was overwhelmed by nature's beauty. It felt like that momment I first saw my daughter.
So, what thrills you?
I didn't know you were such an adventurer....very cool! What thrills me? Hmmm...it is different with every season, really. I love sleeping in. I love a really fantastic read. I love chocolate fondue and thai food and an ice cold diet coke. I love the canyon that is right by our house...going up with my family and building a fire and sitting around it, telling stories and singing songs....man, I could go on and on!
That sounds lovely, Tess. We do that at our cabin every once and a while. It always involves hotdogs and smores.
What thrills me? Sports. I love to play -- most anything. I love when I hit an unreturnable shot in tennis, when I score through traffic in soccer, when I block a spike in v-ball. Any success, really, is a thrill, but in sports, it's so immediate and there's a team who is just as excited as I am. Having a team is a great thing. I wish I had a team for the rest of my life.
(ps--my verification word is 'crampes' which is appropriate since I think I have a sinus infection and the left side of my face feels like it has crampes.)
What is a verification word???
Well if you ever leave a comment on a blog there is a word that you have to verify by typing in a box. You've done it if you've left comments here or anywhere. The purpose of it is to stop spammers from filling our blog comment boxes with advertisements or other trash.
It's funny how often those verification words fit the comment or certain life situations :)
Mine are always wierd words or nonsense words...I thought you were talking about some special soccer term.
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