Everyone has someone who inspired them, supported them, and helped to make them into who they are today. My Grandad is one of the many people who helped me become me. He lives about 2,000 miles away from me and has for thirty-five years. He is eighty-nine and has always believed in me, no matter what.
Who is that person who helped you become you?
What a lovely tribute.
Many people along the way helped me - some family, some friends, some teachers. I had a drama teacher who really pushed me to learn new things and then, just when I thought he couldn't get any tougher on me, he'd wink and say 'good work'. He was a neat man.
I had the hardest pre-algebra and algebra one teachers. A few years back I went to thank her, sadly she had passed away that year. Some people pushed you until you thought you go no more and others walked you by the hand until you got where you needed to be.
Thanks for reading Tess. I'm about to give up on everyone else...
Sharon, maybe you need to start your own blog. :) I agree that nobody else is going to post anything. I'm too swamped with my own blog.
your grandfather looks and sounds like a wonderful man. I envy you in a good way for having his guidence. I've had to do it alone - no parents, no family involvement but I have had some good friendships and my faith has been my motivator.Now I can turn around and help others.
I know it's hard when you are on your own. I'm glad you have good friends and your faith to lean on. When I was younger, my church family really helped shape me. My high school biology teacher nominated me for a scholarship, played the piano at my wedding, was a role model for me and was there when I found out I was going to be a mother. She even played at my daughter's Christening. She is still an important person in my life....29 years after I first met her. I hope you have someone like her in your life.
Just wanted to leave a random comment.
That kind looking man in your picture looks a lot like my neighbour. Your grandpa doesn't live in Canada does he?
He lives on the southern coast in England. Thanks for calling him kind looking. He's a wonderful man.
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