Have you ever thought to yourself, "I'm a nut?" Well, I'm pretty sure I'm a nut...I keep writing stories, sending them out to the WAD, printing their reviews, putting them into a pile and starting a new story. How am I ever going to get any rejections or dare I say it...acceptances if I don't get anything polished enough to submit to anyone. I keep in touch with several of the editors from Chautauqua, but what good is that if I never send them anything. You would think with my amazingly hard life..working out, feeding the pets, cleaning house, going shopping, and taking care of my family...I would get the gumption to send something out. I am challenging myself to send out one manuscript buy the end of the month.
I challenge you to do the same! Happy writing, revising and going to the post office!
I'll have to count the ones I sent out last weekend. I am neck deep in multiple chapter edits on multiple books and the school carvnival (which I agreed to chair) is becoming literally a full time job. Oh...and I do have some architecture to do.
So--my submittals were made to two agents: one of them got Smelvin; the other got Libby Jean.
Amy, I'm so excited for you! So much excitement at once... Way to go!
I'm pleased someone posted on my blog entry. :)
Happy editing!
Good goal, Sharon! You should be submitting those adorable stories :)
I am currently submitting nothing. I need to get my ducks lined up first.
Thanks...I will...one by the end of the month to start!
Well, if I were you I wouldn't be submitting anything right now either. I'd be waiting not so patiently by the phone, cell-phone and computer. Good things happen to good people and you my friend are a very good person (and writer).
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