Monday, August 3, 2009

Toilets Through Time by Sharon

Have you ever really sat down and thought about toilets? The above photo actually shows a toilet in a castle. Yep, that crevice between the keep and the castle wall is the toilet. While I was in England I photographed several unique toilets. So be prepared for some interesting photos.
Do you have an odd obsession? I'm thinking this might be mine.
Happy writing and reading!


Amy Allgeyer Cook said...

Yes -- I'm obsessed with buying an old stone house (ideally a castle or manor house) somewhere in Europe and living out my days writing.

And how freaking ironic is it that my verification word is nessi? I think it's a sign!

Anonymous said...

Aye, it sounds like Scotland be the place for you.

I forgot my password...Ugh!


Tess said...

Oooo, toilet pictures. bring them on :D

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Well it appears we have three readers. :]