Monday, August 31, 2009

Hidden Talents by Sharon

This week I was reorganizing my office and discovered an ink drawing I did years ago. I forgot how much I loved to draw. So often we get bogged down with day to day things that we forget to do things we enjoy. Sometimes we even forget that we ever enjoyed doing them. I hope everyone will take a momment and think about what they used to love to do for fun and haven't done in a long time. Myself, I'm going to dig out some paper and drawing pencils.

What have you loved and forgotten? Maybe you can pick it back up.


Tess said...

what a lovely picture and how wonderful to be reminded of a hidden talent. Will you post more drawings???

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

It's amazing what you forget as you get older. I don't know if I have the desire to spend the time drawing to have a nice product. It will interfer with writing time.

Amy Allgeyer Cook said...

That is a really nice drawing, Sharon!

I miss painting. I stopped when Xander was little because I could never had any uninterrupted time. When I retire, I'll paint again.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I think that's when I stopped too, other than the three canvas pool table acrylic painting I did for our game room two years ago.