Here's my desk. I spend most of my day here--designing houses, writing and trying to satisfy my email addiction. My day starts about 8:30, after I get Xander off to school. I check email, visit my favorite writing websites, update Facebook or post something to my personal blog. Then I get started on the architecture work. If I have a light day of work, I might do some writing after lunch or (as I've been doing lately) pull together a submittal for an editor or agent. My day ends at 2:45, when I get ready to pick Xander up from school. After that, it's homework, then dinner. Then, I head back up to check email and visit my favorite writing websites...AGAIN...unless I have a meeting, a soccer game, a volleyball game, a get together or (my favorite evening activity) critique group!
In the file cabinet next to my desk, the top drawer holds all my writing files. I also keep a binder next to my desk that tracks my submittals, rejections, comments and estimated response times. I don't do a lot of plotting or planning for any of my books. I usually brainstorm ideas, characters, settings and events on a blank word document. After I fill about two pages, I'm usually inspired enough to start writing the first few chapters. It's usually around chapter three that I stop and decide that the book is going nowhere and I suck at writing. That's when I reassess, figure out what's working and write a chapter by chapter synopsis of how the remaining chapters will go.
Tess likes to keep words around her; I like to keep images and photos of people and places that evoke strong feelings. Right now, I have a bunch of photos of a 1957 Jewel travel trailer (inside & out) because that's what the main character in my current WIP lives in.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's writing rooms.
What a great space, Amy! I love the cheery yellow paint. It is like summer personified. -Tess
Thanks Tess! The color is weird, actually. It's green in the morning and yellow in the afternoon. It's very cozy...being in the attic I get all the heat in the winter. :)
Can you post photos of the travel trailer you reference?
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