Friday, October 31, 2008

Fiction Wish List -- from Judy via Sharon


Highlights for Children: 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. General interest magazine for children up to age 12. Stories for younger readers (ages 3 to 7) should have 500 words or fewer. Stories for older readers (ages 8 to 12) should have 800 words or fewer, and should appeal to younger readers if read aloud. Pays $150 and up, on acceptance. Sample issue with 9x11 SASE with four first-class stamps. Guidelines free with SASE.


For all Bluffton News Publishing and Printing Company publications (listed below): Looking for stories that deal with timeless topics, such as pets, nature, hobbies, science, games, sports, careers, simple cooking, etc. Issues revolve around themes; themes available on Web site. Pays 5 cents/word and up, on publication, with additional payment if piece is accompanied with appropriate photos or art. Sample copies for $5. No e-mail or fax submissions. Send double-spaced manuscript with cover letter and SASE. Simultaneous submission OK as long as noted on manuscript. For questions concerning manuscripts, call (419) 358-4610 Ext. 101, Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM EST.

Boys’ Quest: PO Box 227, Bluffton, OH 45817-0227. Bimonthly magazine for boys ages 6 to 13. Prefers pieces from a 10-year-old boy’s point of view, with the boy or boys directly involved in a wholesome, unusual activity. Ideal length for fiction is 500 words. Also publishes puzzles, poems, carpentry projects, jokes, and riddles.

Hopscotch for Girls: PO Box 164, Bluffton, OH 45817-0164. Bimonthly magazine for girls ages 6 to 13. No dating, romance, human sexuality, cosmetics, or fashion. Prefers pieces from a young girl’s point of view, with the girl or girls directly involved in a wholesome, unusual activity. Fiction should not have more than 1,000 words; nonfiction no more than 500. Also publishes cute, clever recipes, well-written and illustrated crafts, riddles, and jokes.

Fun for Kidz: PO Box 227, Bluffton, OH 45817-0227. Bimonthly activity magazine designed to be enjoyed by both boys and girls ages 6 to 13 on the alternate months of Boys’ Quest and Hopscotch for Girls. Looking for lively writing that involves an activity that is both wholesome and unusual. Wants articles around 500 words as well as puzzles, poems, cooking, carpentry projects, jokes, riddles, crafts, and other activities that relate to theme. Pays $10 and up/poem or puzzle. Variable rates for games, etc.


For all Cricket Magazine Group publications (listed below): Order sample copies on Web site. No queries; send complete manuscript with SASE to Submissions Editor, Carus Publishing, 70 East Lake Street, Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60601. Include exact word count.

Babybug: Listening and learning for ages 6 months to 2 years. Stories (4 to 6 short sentences): very simple and concrete. Poems (8 lines, maximum): rhythmic, rhyming. Pays $25 minimum, on publication.

Cicada: Literary magazine for ages 14 and up. Currently reexamining the focus and format of the magazine. No longer accepting submissions. Check Web site for updates and guidelines.

Cricket: Ages 9 to 14. Fiction (200 to 2,000 words): realistic, contemporary, historical, humor, mysteries, fantasy, science fiction, folktales, fairytales, legends, myths. Pays up to 25 cents/word, on publication. Poetry (up to 50 lines): serious, humorous, nonsense rhymes. Pays up to $3.00/line.

Ladybug: Ages 2 to 6. Fiction (up to 800 words): read-aloud stories, picture stories, original retellings of folk and fairytales, multicultural stories. Rebuses (up to 200 words): focus on concrete nouns. Pays 25 cents/word, $25 minimum. Poetry (up to 20 lines): rhythmic, rhyming; serious, humorous, active. Pays up to $3.00/line, $25 minimum. Pays on publication.

Spider: Ages 6 to 9. Fiction (300 to 1,000 words): realistic, easy-to-read, humorous, satire, fantasy, folktales, fairytales, science fiction, fables, myths, and historical fiction. Pays up to 25 cents/word (1,000 word maximum). Poetry (up to 20 lines): serious, humorous, nonsense rhymes. Pays up to $3.00/line. Pays on publication.


For all Cobblestone Publishing publications (listed below): Queries must relate to themes; send queries instead of full manuscripts to Editorial Department, Cobblestone Publishing, 30 Grove Street, Suite C, Peterborough, NH 03458. Themes available on Web site. Order sample copies on Web site.

Calliope: World history magazine for ages 8 to 14. Fiction (up to 800 words): authentic historical and biographical fiction, adventure, retold legends, relating to theme. Pays 20 to 25 cents/word. Poetry (up to 100 lines): clear, objective imagery. Serious and light verse. Must relate to theme. Payment varies. Hard copy queries only, no e-mail. Address queries and articles to:
Rosalie Baker, Editor
Calliope Magazine30 Grove Street, Suite CPeterborough, NH 03458

Cobblestone: American history magazine for ages 8 to 14. Fiction (up to 800 words): authentic historical and biographical fiction, adventure, retold legends, relating to theme. Pays 20 to 25 cents/word. Poetry (up to 100 lines): clear, objective imagery. Serious and light verse. Must relate to theme. Payment varies. Address queries and articles to:
Meg Chorlian, Editor
Cobblestone Magazine30 Grove Street, Suite CPeterborough, NH 03458

Dig: Archaeology magazine for ages 8 to 14. Fiction (up to 800 words): authentic historical and biographical fiction, adventure, retold legends, relating to theme. Pays 20 to 25 cents/word. Hard copy queries only, no e-mail. All articles must be submitted on disk using a word processing program. Address queries and articles to:
Rosalie Baker, Editor
Calliope Magazine and Dig Magazine30 Grove Street, Suite CPeterborough, NH 03458

Faces: World cultures and geography magazine for ages 9 to 14. Fiction (up to 800 words): retold legends, folktales, stories, and original plays from around the world, relating to theme. Pays 20 to 25 cents/word. Email queries to or address queries or articles to:
Elizabeth Crooker Carpentiere, Editor
Faces Magazine30 Grove Street, Suite CPeterborough, NH 03458

Muse: Investigation and discovery for ages 9 to 14. Not accepting unsolicited manuscripts or queries at present.

Odyssey: Science magazine for ages 9 to 14. Fiction (up to 1,000 words): science-related stories, poems, science fiction, retold legends, relating to theme. Pays 20 to 25 cents/word. Articles should be submitted via e-mail using a word processing program to Address queries to:
Elizabeth Lindstrom, Editor
Odyssey Magazine30 Grove Street, Suite CPeterborough, NH 03458


For all Children’s Better Health Institute publications (listed below): 1100 Waterway Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46206. Sample copies $2.95. Focus is on health (including exercise, sports, safety, nutrition, hygiene, and drug education), but also accepts general material and poetry. Fiction stories with a health message need not have health as the primary subject, but they should include it in some way in the course of events. Characters should adhere to good health practices, unless failure to do so is necessary for plot. No queries. Send double-spaced manuscript with SASE, addressed to a specific magazine. Include name, address, phone number or email address, date of submission, and approximate word count on first page. All submissions are on speculation. No email submissions.

Turtle Magazine: Ages 2 to 5. Up to 350 words. Currently accepting poems (4-8 lines), short rebuses (100-150 words), easy recipes, and simple science experiments. Pays up to 22 cents/word.

Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine: Ages 4 to 6. Up to 350 words. Currently accepting poems (4-12 lines in length). Pays up to 22 cents/word.

Children’s Playmate: Ages 6 to 8. 300 to 700 words. Currently accepting poems (4-12 lines), rebuses (100-200 words), and easy recipes. Pays up to 17 cents/word.

Jack and Jill: Ages 7 to 10. 500 to 800 words. Not accepting manuscripts at this time.

Children’s Digest: Ages 10 to 12. 500 to 1,500 words. Not accepting manuscripts at this time.


For all GEMS publications (listed below): PO Box 7259, Grand Rapids, MI 49510. Stories that present the Christian life realistically, and that cause young readers to see how Christian beliefs apply to their daily lives. No queries. Send complete manuscript with SASE. Include name and address in upper left corner and approximate word count, topic of article, and rights offered in upper right corner. Beneath title, indicate Fiction or Nonfiction and give desired byline, plus copyright information, as required. Give sources for all statistical information or quoted material. Sample copies for $1.00 plus 9x12 SASE.

Shine Brightly: For girls ages 9 to 14. Published 9 times/year. Fiction (700 to 900 words): adventure, mystery, stories involving animals, situations kids can relate to in their daily lives. Stories should be realistic and need not always have happy-ever-after ending. Avoid religious clichés. List of topics can be found in Annual Update. Pays 3 to 5 cents/word, up to $35.00, on publication. Address submissions to:
Sara Lynne Hilton/Senior Editor
SHINE brightly Magazine PO Box 87334Canton, MI 48187

Sparkle: For girls in first through third grades. Published 3 times/year. Focuses on annual theme. Fiction (100 to 400 words): adventure, mystery, stories about animals, situations readers can relate to in their daily lives. Avoid religious clichés. Pays $20/story, on publication. Address submissions to:
Sara Lynne Hilton/Senior Editor
SHINE brightly Magazine PO Box 87334Canton, MI 48187

American Girl: 8400 Fairway Place, Middleton, WI 53562-2554. Bimonthly magazine for girls ages 8 and up. Contemporary Fiction (up to 2,300 words): protagonist should be girl between 8 and 12 who captures the hopes, thoughts, and emotions unique to that time of life. Especially interested in humor and seasonal stories. No science fiction, romance, or horror. Sample copies for $5.50. Address queries to Magazine Department Assistant.

Boys’ Life: Boy Scouts of America. 1325 W Walnut Hill Lane, PO Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079. General interest magazine for boys 6 to 18. Fiction (1,000 to 1,500 words): humor, mystery, science fiction, adventure. Stories should feature boy or boys. Pays $750 and up. Send query or manuscript to Senior Editor Paula Murphey.

Girls’ Life: 4529 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21214. Magazine for girls ages 10 to 15. No poetry. Unsolicited manuscripts are considered on a speculative basis only. Send e-mail query to or letter query (with SASE) with descriptive story ideas to:
Mandy ForrAssociate EditorGirls' Life magazine4529 Harford RoadBaltimore, MD 21214

High Adventure: 1445 N Boonville Avenue, Springfield, MO 65802. High Adventure is the official quarterly publication of the National Royal Ranger Ministries, for K-12 boys and their leaders. The magazine is meant to encourage development of outdoor skills, promote fitness, health, and teamwork, and foster a relationship with Jesus Christ. Accepts cartoons and puzzles. Submissions may be sent electronically via attachment to and must include author’s name, mailing address, and Social Security number.

Horsepower: PO Box 670, Aurora, ONT L4G 4J9 CANADA. Horsepower is meant for horse-crazy kids and contains information on horse training, care, and showing. It also features fictional adventures, games, and puzzles.

Iguana: E-mail: Bimonthly Spanish-language magazine for ages 7 to 12. All submissions must be originally written in Spanish. Fiction (up to 800 words): realistic, fantasy, humor, legends, mysteries, science fiction, fables, myths, fairytales, folktales. Pays 5 cents/word, on acceptance. Send queries and manuscripts by e-mail.

Nature Friend: 4253 Woodrock Lane, Dayton, VA 22821. Nature Friend is a conservative Christian publication that encourages children to recognize and appreciate God’s work in nature. Submissions by freelancers are welcome and can be simple stories or conversational stories.

New Moon: A Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams: 2 W First Street, #101, Duluth, MN 55802. Edited by and for girls ages 8 to 14. All material should be pro-girl and focus on girls, women, or female issues. Submissions from girls and women only. Themes available on Web site. Fiction (900 to 1,600 words): protagonist should be girl age 8 to 12. Stories should include subject matter and plot that empowers girls. Prefers e-mail submissions ( No attachments. Work submitted by regular mail must be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Name and address should appear on each page. Does not return submissions. If work has been previously published, note the date and publication. If simultaneous submission, mention in cover letter.

Pockets: Devotional Magazine for Children: PO Box 340004, Nashville, TN 37203-0004. Christian magazine for ages 6 to 12. Offers devotional readings that teach about God’s love and presence in life, though submissions need not be overtly religious. Themes available on Web site. Fiction and scripture stories (600 to 1,400 words): stories should help children deal with real-life situations. Scripture stories should remain faithful to source material, but may include fictional characters and some elaboration. Stories should contain action, believable characters and dialogue, and be simply written, with short sentences and paragraphs. No talking-animal or inanimate object stories. Pays 14 cents/word, on acceptance. Poetry should have no more than 24 lines. Pays $25 and up. Submit complete manuscript, with SASE, to Lynn W. Gilliam, Editor.

Ranger Rick: National Wildlife Federation, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston, VA 20190. Not accepting submissions at this time.

Young Rider: PO Box 8237, Lexington, KY 40533. Magazine for children who own or love horses. Publishes short, horse-related, “realistic” stories up to 1,000 words. No “childhood memories” please.
Where to Find Out More on the Web:

These websites have an abundance of good information about writing for children: market news, writing tips, organizations, and newsletters:

Children’s Book Council:

Children’s Book Insider:

Children’s Writer Newsletter:

The Purple Crayon:

Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators:

Kid Magazine Writers:

Also useful:

Highlights for Children:

Go to the Parents Corner to access the monthly index to the magazine.

Highlights Foundation:

Provides information on the annual Highlights Writers Workshop at
Chautauqua, NY.

1 comment:

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

What a great idea Amy!!!

When you go to the Highlights website click on the magazine index to find out the last time a particular subject was published. It should make you look reasonably intelligent in your cover letter.

Happy writing!